Ok, so every kid does cute things, but this blog is both for me and for whoever is reading, so I feel like I need to write down some of Noah's cute things so I can remember them. You can call it bragging, sharing or just pure admiration of my child, but it's fun!!!
At the YMCA last Thursday we were in the lobby playing and there is a bookshelf (called the Y-brary) there. Noah goes over to it and picks up the biggest heaviest book on the shelf and brings it to me and says "Bible?" It was so cute.
Then about 2 weeks ago, we were eating chicken and Noah wanted to have something sweet. I told him "If you put that chicken in your belly you can have dessert" Noah lifted his shirt and tried to put the chicken in his belly.
About a month ago we were out at a restaurant and I asked Noah if he wanted chicken and he started flapping his wings and saying "Bach Bach Bach"
aaahh.. the joy of interpreting language!!!
And finally, Noah is quite the socialite and enjoys being in crowds. We often play at the park and last week a sweet old Mexican man was sitting on a bench by himself. Noah marched over to him, sat VERY closely next to him on the bench and started talking to him saying HI in a very loud voice. I'm pretty sure the man didn't speak english and just stared at Noah. No matter how many times I got him down, he went right back to talk to the man. It was a riot!
and also in september
3 months ago
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