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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey All Done

phew! i finally have my feet up after a long week of preparation and hard work. Thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful today. It was so nice to have our loved ones here. It was wonderful to have so many great foods. But the best part was that everyone stayed and just hung out ALL DAY! In years past we were sad when people would "eat and leave" but this year people just chatted and relaxed and I loved it. Noah only took a short nap and so he was cranky but we all went out and played in the yard because it was so warm.

mmm... lots of yummy food too. Filling, fried turkey, corn souffle, and peanut butter pie. oh it was so wonderful. Just a little sad that Len and Sandra weren't here but we did set up a video chat this afternoon.

God of goodness, bless our food,
Keep us in a cheerful mood.
Bless the cook and all who serve us.
From indigestion, Lord, preserve us.
(From an Anglican monastery kitchen at Brisbane, Australia)